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?>Berkshire Outdoor Education Trust - Grants


The Trust have an income of approximately £25,000 a year from their investments, available for distribution.  Grants are generally made using the criteria set out below.  Grants would not normally be made where pupils are being taken outside of Great Britain.  Grant applications are generally considered in June.

  1. 1.  The percentage of children in the school entitled to free school meals (FSM) and / or attract the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG).
  2. 2.  The number of children participating in the activity (e.g. cohort size).
    3.  The trust favour applications to Rhos y Gwaliau (RYG) but other centres will be considered.

In cases where the applying school has high levels of deprivation, the Trust may make a block grant of between £500 - £4,000 to defray part of the cost for all pupils in the group.  Where the applying school wishes to assist individual pupils whose parents might have difficulty in meeting the cost of participating, grants of between £200 and £500 would normally be made.

Note, these criteria are not set in stone; the Trustees can be flexible so long as the objectives of the Trust are achieved, and all applications will be assessed on their merits.

Schools wishing to apply for grants should download the Grant Application Form (PDF) or (DOCX).  Completed forms should be with the Secretary to the Trustees by 30th May each year in time for the June meeting.

In making their decision, Trustees will consider:

  • The percentage of children in the school and the group in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM)
  • The percentage of disadvantaged pupils in the school and the group (i.e. those entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant or are classed as 'Looked After Children')
  • Any other challenges that the school and / or group faces (e.g. area of high unemployment, financial hardship of families)
  • The benefits that the children will gain as a result of receiving a grant

Consequently, it is essential this information is included on the Grant Application Form.

Please see Contact Us for the address and other contact details of the Secretary to the Trust to whom the application form and all other communications with the Trust should be sent.

Post Trip Evaluation

It is a condition of any grant awarded that a post-trip evaluation is completed. 

The Trust's Evaluation Form (PDF) or (DOCX) should be sent to the Secretary to the Trustees as soon after the visit as possible.  If evaluation forms are not recieved, your organisation may not be eligible for future awards.

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